Agriculture students gain business insight from Pink Pig entrepreneur

Sally Jackson came from the Pink Pig Farm to talk to the current first year Level 3 Extended Diploma in Agriculture Students as well as the Level 2 Diploma in Agriculture. She based her talk on the development of the farm business and the diversification of the farm shop.

Great discussion was generated between the learners and Sally over the development of the food and agriculture sector. Sally explained to the learners that currently farm shops provide a third of UK farm food produce directly to the consumer, and are currently ahead of some super market retail chains. It was also highlighted that there is a lot more pressure on the producer to meet specific quality requirements by supermarkets.

Student visit to Amazone

The Level 3 Diploma in Land-based Technology learners were hosted for the day by machinery manufacturers Amazone at their UK headquarters in Doncaster. They were given tuition on their most up to date equipment. They calibrated a 24 metre crop sprayer, a 24 metre fertiliser spreader and a 3 metre pneumatic combination drill. Amazone is a family owned German company with a 395 million euro turnover making cultivation, planting, crop care and horticultural equipment.

Amazone students visit

Agriculture and engineering students celebrate a successful sugar beet harvest

The Agriculture and Engineering Students over the last year have renovated and repaired an old single row beet harvester. Previously this machine was in the nettles with a tree growing through it and was last used some 10-11 years ago. James Blore (EDAG/2) titled this task as hedgerow maintenance!

Sugar beet

With sheer determination from the students, slowly but surely parts were moving again freely, chains lubricated and cables replaced, guards repaired.

This time last year the Agriculture students drilled the crop and applied chemical and fertiliser on until the summer.

The harvesting began 3 weeks ago for livestock feed for the farm and came to a successful end this last Tuesday!

Sugar beet harvest

This years current 2nd year are in the process of preparing the ground for the next sugar beet crop and are intending to also plant a few potatoes for another harvest later in the year!